Posts by Tag: US Senate»


Tesla’s Use of Forced Arbitration Clauses Questioned by Several U.S. Senators
May 8, 2023 Ξ Comments Off on Tesla’s Use of Forced Arbitration Clauses Questioned by Several U.S. Senators

Tesla’s Use of Forced Arbitration Clauses Questioned by Several U.S. Senators

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Seven US senators have raised concerns about Tesla’s use of forced arbitration clauses in their contracts with customers. These clauses require customers to resolve any disputes through binding arbitration rather  Full Article »


Big 3 Auto Bailout Rejected in Senate
Dec 12, 2008 Ξ Comments Off on Big 3 Auto Bailout Rejected in Senate

Big 3 Auto Bailout Rejected in Senate

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Late Thursday the U.S. Senate rejected the emergency bailout bill that would have provided upwards of $14 Billion to the Big 3 Detroit automakers. Many were hopeful of that was  Full Article »


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