Posts by Tag: Turbo»


2010 Porsche 911 Turbo ups the ante

2010 Porsche 911 Turbo ups the ante

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Last fall, many will remember the unusual rivalry that came about between Porsche and Nissan all of which centered around the famed Nurburgring. Nissan’s then-new GT-R was said to turn  Full Article »


Spy Video: Porsche Cayman Shooting Brake caught on camera phone? Cayman Mule?
Jul 8, 2009 Ξ Comments Off on Spy Video: Porsche Cayman Shooting Brake caught on camera phone? Cayman Mule?

Spy Video: Porsche Cayman Shooting Brake caught on camera phone? Cayman Mule?

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Camera phones are turning into quite an asset in this business, as readers of various automotive news sites across the interwebs and around the world have turned into legions of  Full Article »


2009 Audi TTS Roadster Review & Test Drive

2009 Audi TTS Roadster Review & Test Drive

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For 2009 Audi brings us more power and higher levels of performance with the new TTS model coupe and roadster.  It is now even more fun and exciting to drive  Full Article »


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