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95 U.S. Lawmakers Urge Administration to Finalize Tougher Vehicle Emission Cuts, Automakers Oppose

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A letter seen by Reuters revealed that a group of 95 U.S. lawmakers is urging the Biden administration to finalize stricter emissions limits than those proposed in April. This move has already sparked opposition from the majority of automakers. The group consists of a dozen Democratic senators, including Ed Markey, Tom Carper, Alex Padilla, Ron Wyden, Elizabeth Warren, Jack Reed, and independent Bernie Sanders, along with over 80 House members.

Their request to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to establish stricter tailpipe emissions limits, aiming for 69% of new vehicles to be electric by 2032. This goal exceeds the agency’s proposal, which aims for 67% electric vehicles by that year. The lawmakers cited several reasons to support their call for tougher emissions cuts. These include the urgency of addressing threats to public health and climate change, the availability of significant resources to support zero-emission vehicle purchases, manufacturing, and infrastructure, as well as the notable progress in clean vehicle adoption.

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However, not all stakeholders are in favor of stricter regulations. Republican lawmakers and Republican state attorneys general have urged the EPA to abandon its aggressive emissions cuts. On the other hand, environmental campaigners are advocating for even tougher cuts.

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a group representing major automakers such as General Motors, Ford Motor, Volkswagen, Toyota Motor, Hyundai Motor, and others, is pushing for a significant softening of the requirements. They argue that the EPA’s proposal is neither reasonable nor achievable. Instead, they recommend adopting requirements for 40% to 50% electric, plug-in electric, and fuel vehicles by 2030, with continuous increases through 2032.

Interestingly, while most automakers are opposing stricter limits, Tesla has taken a different stance. The electric vehicle manufacturer has urged the EPA to finalize stricter emissions limits, aligning with the lawmakers’ request for tougher regulations.

Source: Reuters


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