What Does Audi and Identity Theft Have in Common? Nothing really, except a couple of commercials to promote the new 2009 Audi Q5 which happens to attack Lexus.
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We have to slightly agree with Audi’s newest commercials when they have a street lined full of Lexus RX’s all the same color. That’s about right when you venture down the streets of a US suburb. Make sure it is one that does not have too many foreclosed houses and you may run out of hands to count the number of Lexus RX’s that you see. Yes, Audi has brought to our attention as to the mass over-population of certain cars but will we really ever see as many Audi Q5’s on the road as the Lexus RX’s? Probably not, unless this stinky economy turns around abruptly and I just do not see that happening any time soon.
Enough of the jargon, here are the 2009 Audi Q5 commercials “Identity Theft” below after the jump…