General Motors has just released an exclusive video of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, Directed by Michael Bay, showcasing the Autobots – including the new Chevy Camaro, Volt, Beat, Trax and the Corvette Centennial Concept (Corvette Stingray). This should be a pretty good movie!
I have to admit, the video below looks like a futuristic Commercial for General Motors if you ask me, but who am I do judge. GM, do your thing! Whatever works for you I support you because it is an American brand and we all know we need to support our American brands to get this economy jump started again. Maybe “Jolt” or aka the Chevy Volt in Transformers 2 can help JUMP-START it for us?!?!?
Also, don’t forget that you can get discounted new car pricing with a free quote through qualified local dealer partners.
Video below…