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Saturn Owners to GM: “Please Don’t Leave Us”

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Filed under Automotive, News, Saturn

The Saturn nameplate use to be known as a type of automotive brotherhood when it comes to its loyal owners. Lately many Saturn owners have expressed their opposition of GM possibly eliminating the nameplate as they try to restructure.

Just think, TV would not be TV without those awesome Saturn commercials. Okay, I am just kidding. I can say this because I do not drive a Saturn but I totally respect the togetherness that the owners share. I think Saturn was known for revolutionizing the dent resistant panels and the “price you see is the price you pay” deal. Not bad ideas at all. Hopefully GM will reconsider after they see the long petition lists that many Saturn fan-sites are signing. Maybe if they all donated $1 they could help bailout GM… wishful thinking. No pun intended.

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