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World’s First Twin Turbo Audi R8 Readied By Heffner Performance

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Our good buddy Jason Heffner is known for boosting exotic cars for several years now taking them to a level that only a diehard automotive enthusiast who thirsts for ungodly amounts of power would want. The latest creation to come out of Heffner Performance is the world’s first twin turbo Audi R8 V8. Below are several images of this new beast that lays down over 536 rear-wheel-horsepower. That’s more than 180hp over stock.

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Heffner Performance Updates on the Twin Turbo Audi R8 V8 project


January 2010
As you can see by the pictures and video; the world’s first Audi R8 V8 Twin Turbo is ready. Give us a call for full details on this well mannered and powerful system!
Also look for a Audi R8 V10 Twin Turbo….coming soon!

November 2009
We have been obsessing over this R8 V8 Twin Turbo system. In usual Heffner fashion we wanted to make something that looked like it could have come on the car from the factory. Well, I think we have done it. Right now the system is in raw fabricated form and now that we have completed dyno testing the car we will be removing the system for coating and polishing. I’ll save the pictures of the intercooler for later until all of the finishing touches have been added. When it is complete it will look much like the factory intake manifold to give this system the factory installed look that we were going for.
As of now the car is running on 6 psi and a 11.8 to 1 AFR and probably has a little more ignition timing removed than necessary to be on the safe side for now. This set up has given us a result of 536 rwhp. This is a 183 rwhp gain (more than a 50% increase) over what the car had when it came in with a Stasis exhaust and Revotech ecu tune.
We will also be doing a 100 octane program that we expect to get near 600 rwhp which should put this car solidly in the high 10 second quarter mile range.

Contact Heffner Performance

Heffner Performance

4396 Independence Court
Sarasota, FL 34234

Thanks Toby for the tip!


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